
What We Stand For

Monetary Rights

MFI believes that all citizens have the inherent right to trade with others using many different methods of exchange, and means of exchange should not be controlled by any government.

Lobbying and Advocacy

MFI is a global movement and supports all citizens who challenge their government's wealth-destroying monetary policies designed to obscure and obfuscate.

Educating Citizens

We offer access to leading thinkers and practitioners, thought leaders, investors, and technologists working in the field of cryptocurrency, value-backed assets.

Value-Backed Currencies

We advocate for currencies backed by fixed assets, such as physical commodities, and digital, blockchain-based currencies, and actively support new offerings that are rational, secure, and verifiable.

Community Building

MFI is a global movement and supports all citizens who challenge their government's wealth-destroying monetary policies designed to obscure and obfuscate.

What We Do

At MFI, we advocate on our members behalf for greater fiscal responsibility, while providing a demonstrable solution to problems...

Your MFI Membership

Your membership entitles you to MFI card, which comes loaded with $50 of BTC! The card can be used wherever you use a credit card...

App Screenshots

Have Look at Our App Interface

Knowledge Together
Knowledge Together
Knowledge Together
Knowledge Exchange Bitcoin blockchain Altcoin
Knowledge Exchange Bitcoin blockchain Altcoin
Knowledge Exchange Bitcoin blockchain Altcoin
Knowledge Exchange Bitcoin blockchain Altcoin

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